Thursday, April 9, 2009

Uncompromised Faith

Uncompromised Faith by S. Michael Craven

The basic question for this book is "Has your faith become irrelevant?" I of course responded with a very animated "absolutely not." That is, until I read this book. As I read the book, I became more and more solemn, as I realized how passive our culture has become and how I have let this passivity create itself in me without argument or fight.

Craven caught my attention on page 21 when he said, "We have traded in Milton's Paradise Lost for Left Behind, the arias of Bach for contemporary Christian music, and Rembrandt for Thomas Kinkade...what passes for Christian art and literature today fails to rise to the same level of quality and achievement as that of historical Christian artists and writers." Craven goes on to discuss how are culture has changed and how we have allowed it to happen. He goes on to discuss how we have relied on our own understanding, not on God. He also discuss the modern and postmodern era and how it has effected Christianity.

The second half of the book was based on social ideas that have influenced Christianity, including sexualized culture, homosexuality, marriage, feminism, and New Age Spirituality. Every chapter was well researched (and made me want to read his resources). He used statistics without becoming boring or choppy. I caught myself highlighting line after line or making comments out to the side to share with friends.

This book was filled with facts, statistics, and resources, yet it read very fluidly. I was never overwhelmed with the information and wanted to keep reading chapter after chapter.

I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in apologetics, social issues and how they effect Christians, and/or cultural changes.

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